Faith Commitments

What Principles do You Live By?

John Lord, a historian of the late 19th century, in his chapter on the Greek war for independence says, "Men are nothing; principles [of life] are everything." In context, Lord was speaking of war, but I see a challenge to think of this statement in light of the Corona virus (CV19). Read More...

History as if Christianity is True

Ever read a history book that went beyond the mere people and events of history? If not, John Lord's works from the late 1800s are an excellent read. Read More...

Secular vs. Christian Thinking

Can Christians think and teach in a secular manner? Yes - and it is far too common. Read More...

Strategy for Failure

The nomination of now “Justice Kavanaugh” was a fiasco, but it highlights a great strategy for winning. Keep your opponent so busy defending themselves that they don’t have the time, energy or focus to win. This strategy is used in sports, debates and politics. Are we as Christians willing victims of this strategy? Read More...

A Worthy Life

Memorial Day was a week ago. Together, my family watched Tora, Tora, Tora, but days later, I felt it was time for my son (16) to watch Saving Private Ryan. Long ago, I determined to not watch movies (or allow my children to watch movies) with graphic violence unless they were highly significant and meaningful. And then to withhold them until my children could benefit from them. I found Private Ryan to be one of those movies. Read More...

Is Your School Part of the Body?

Independence and lightly given judgement are symptomatic of an unhealthy body. Christian schools, as part of the Body of Christ, must demonstrate love and concern for other Christian schools.


Christian High Schools Strengthen Student Faith Commitments

Research shows that Christian schooling strengthens the faith commitments of young people.
